Friday, October 12, 2018

Is it summer or is it fall?

😁Happy Friday Parents!😁

It has been a short week for your children, but a productive week for Ipswich staff who attended a professional workshop day on Tuesday. Many different workshops offered allowed staff to explore creativity, both in and out of the classroom. Although this week has had quite fluctuant weather, we are hoping for fall's arrival, bringing cooler temperatures and traditional New England foliage to our campus.

A few notes from us:

Social Media Use in Teens
In a tech-heavy world, more and more studies have been conducted that discuss the impact of social media on children. Psychology Today posted this article recently- check it out! The parent information night on November 7th will discuss social media, school safety, and bullying. Mr. Fabrizio will be sending out more information on this event.

Did you know that October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Awareness Month? 
Our school district is lucky enough to have life saving AEDs (automated external Defibrillators) at every school, as well as at EVERY high school sporting event. Athletic and nursing staff complete trainings on the signs of SCA, as well as CPR and first responder training. 

5-2-1-0 For Healthy Teens
check out this article on the benefit physical activity has on a child's brain- some interesting evidence!

Enjoy a restful, fun weekend!

~Your Wellness Team ~
Image result for autumn

Friday, September 21, 2018

Happy September!

Good afternoon, happy Friday and Happy September!

IMS is off to a great start. The humidity is hopefully behind us and we are headed into fall.

This month in PE:
The Physical Education classes have been active and taking advantage of the nice weather by holding class outdoors. The 6th grade is getting used to the PE routines and have started juggling. The 7th graders completed their fitness test, and the 8th grade has begun Ultimate Frisbee, Flag Football, and team competitions.

From Ms. Mitchell 
It's looking like a fun and exciting and year is ahead this school year. Health classes jumped right in and have already learned about many different ways to keep our bodies and minds healthy. 6th Grade took a big bite out of Nutrition and learned about the different nutrients within different foods and why these nutrients are important to help us grow. 7th Grade started off the year discovering the major bones in the skeletal system. They created life- sized skeletons... from scratch! The past few days we performed some exercises, had physical competitions, and learned about the different types of muscles. 8th Grade spent a lot of time the past few weeks looking at the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. We spent most of our time talking about Dating Violence and the red flags we should all be on the lookout for. Next week, 8th Grade Health is SUPER excited to start our unit on the Reproductive System! 

The Health Room has been making rounds to the 7th and 8th grade classes to reinforce healthy hygiene habits. With cold and flu season upon us, we have stressed frequent handwashing and hydration to help offset symptoms and shorten the duration of colds.

Influenza Information can be found here.

Below are some interesting articles discussing physical activity.

The traditional sport for Business Minds was Golf, In the new tech world it’s Ultimate

Have a wonderful weekend!

~Health and Wellness Team

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Hello parents!

We all certainly had a busy, chilly weekend. We hope you fared well without power or electronics.

Check out this article on screen use and addiction published recently on NPR. 
Teen tech addiction

"Though tech addiction isn't officially recognized yet in the United States, there are in-patient treatment facilities for teens that try to address the problem."

The 7th and 8th graders had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Ruth Potee speak about substance abuse last Tuesday morning. The responses from our students were impressive and well thought out.  A link to one of her talks can be found here

Be safe in this weather!
-Your Health and Wellness Team

Monday, January 8, 2018

2018 Resolutions?

Starting a new year doesn’t need to mean starting from scratch.  Whatever you do for exercise just bump it up a bit.  High Intensity Interval Training takes little time, can be done a personalized level and shows fast results.  Great ideas in the article below.