Friday, October 12, 2018

Is it summer or is it fall?

😁Happy Friday Parents!😁

It has been a short week for your children, but a productive week for Ipswich staff who attended a professional workshop day on Tuesday. Many different workshops offered allowed staff to explore creativity, both in and out of the classroom. Although this week has had quite fluctuant weather, we are hoping for fall's arrival, bringing cooler temperatures and traditional New England foliage to our campus.

A few notes from us:

Social Media Use in Teens
In a tech-heavy world, more and more studies have been conducted that discuss the impact of social media on children. Psychology Today posted this article recently- check it out! The parent information night on November 7th will discuss social media, school safety, and bullying. Mr. Fabrizio will be sending out more information on this event.

Did you know that October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Awareness Month? 
Our school district is lucky enough to have life saving AEDs (automated external Defibrillators) at every school, as well as at EVERY high school sporting event. Athletic and nursing staff complete trainings on the signs of SCA, as well as CPR and first responder training. 

5-2-1-0 For Healthy Teens
check out this article on the benefit physical activity has on a child's brain- some interesting evidence!

Enjoy a restful, fun weekend!

~Your Wellness Team ~
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